Guitar Chord Radiohead - The Tourist And Song Lyrics
C Gm
it barks at no one else but me
A# A
like it’s seen a ghost
C Gm
i guess it seen the sparks A# - flowing
A# A
no one else would know
C Gm A#
hey man , slow down . slow down
C Gm A#
idiot , slow down . slow down
C Gm A#
C Gm
sometimes i get overcharged
A# A
that’s when you see sparks
C Gm
you ask me where the hell i’m going
A# A
at a thousand feet per second
C Gm A#
hey man , slow down . slow down
C Gm A#
idiot , slow down . slow down
( repeat after break )
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Kunci Gitar Radiohead - The Tourist
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