Guitar Chord Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack And Song Lyrics
intro :
C // F // Em6 // FMaj7 //
C // Fsus2 // Em6 // FMaj7 //
C // F //
red wine and sleeping pills
Em // F //
help me get back to your arms
C // Csus4 // F //
cheap sxx and sad films
Em // F
help me get where i belo - ong
( F ) // Am // F // C // G/B
i think you’re cra - D - zy , may - be
( G/B ) // Am // F // C // G/B //
i think you’re cra - D - zy , may - be
C // F //
stop sending letters
Em // F
letters always get bu - urned
( F ) // C // Csus4 // F
it’s not like the movies
( F ) // Em // F
they fed us on little white lies
( F ) // Am // F // C // G/B
i think you’re cra - D - zy , may - be
( G/B ) // Am // F // C // G/B //
i think you’re cra - D - zy , may - be
E // Esus4 // Am // [ ch ] Em/G [ /Fh ] // F#m7b5// FMaj9 // C
i will see you in the next li - i - ife
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