Guitar Chord Radiohead - Lift And Song Lyrics
intro :
verse :
( when playing ’b’ , alternate , on the C string , between 0 and 2 . . . in line with the vocal . )
this is the place sit down ,
A# A F
you’re safe now
you’ve been stuck in a lift
A# A F
we’ve been trying to reach you , thom
this is the place . it won’t hurt ,
A# A F
it will not hurt
chorus :
( when playing ’b’ , alternate , on the C string , between 2 , 0 , 2 , 4 , 2 & 0 . . . in line with
the vocal )
a smell of recognition . a face you barely loved .
A# A F
empty all your pockets cos it’s time to go home
verse :
this is the place
A# A F
remembering all the things you always see
you’ve been stuck in a lift
A# A F
in the belly of a whale at the bottom of the ocean
chorus :
a smell of recognition . a face you barely loved
A# A F
empty all your pockets cos it’s time to go home
outro :
C A# A
today is the first day of the rest of your days
so lighten up , squirt!
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Kunci Gitar Radiohead - Lift
Lirik Lagu Radiohead - Lift
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