Guitar Chord Radiohead - Idioteque And Song Lyrics
to play it just as it sounds on the album , you need to tune the guitar on
C F A# D# G C
Fadd2/E Am
who’s in a bunker? whos in a bunker?
Cm/G# F
women and children first and the children first and the children
Fadd2/E Am
i laugh until my head comes off
Cm/G# F
i swallow till i burst until i burst until i
Fadd2/E Am
who’s in a bunker , who’s in a bunker
Cm/G# F
i have seen too much i haven’t seen enough you haven’t seen it
Fadd2/E Am
i laugh until my head comes off
Cm/G# F
women and children first and children first and children
chorus :
Fadd2/E Am Cm/G# F
here i’m allowed . . . everything all of the time
Fadd2/E Am Cm/G# F
here i’m allowed . . . everything all of the time
the rest of the song is repeating the sequence
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Kunci Gitar Radiohead - Idioteque
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