Guitar Chord Radiohead - Go Slowly And Song Lyrics
capo 2 fret !
chords used : Am - Dm - F ( x33210 ) - Em - D7 - E - E7 - F * ( xx3213 ) - D * ( xx0230 )
Am Dm
over here
come slowly
Em Dm
come slowly to me
Am Dm
i’ve been waiting
Em Dm
Am D7
i didn’t
F * Em D *
but now i can see
that there’s a way out
that there’s a way out
that there’s a way out
F *
that there’s a way out
that there’s a way out
that there’s a way out
that there’s a way out
that there’s a way out
F * E E7
that there’s a way out
Am D * F * Em D * . . . . . . . .
i know isn’t the correct , but if you play it , it sounds good .
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